We create the perfect blend of modernity, elegance,
beauty and charm. Every moment of an event crafted by
Refuge is an art that it masters into. Each moment is
ideated, curated, planned and executed with perfection.
What we do
You’ve always wondered how to be the perfect host without having to run in ten different directions. Now, leave all the running around to us and spend as much time as you like receiving compliments from your guests about the well-organized function. Want us to take care of only a specific part of the event? We’ll be happy to do that as well!
Why Refuge
Refuge believesso much into delivering
what you ‘really’ wanted, this brand promise
aptly commits so and says, this is what
you had already seen with the closed eyes
and we knew it, so we did it.
We are the proud recipient of EMF best
destination wedding awards– Gold 2019, and Bronze, 2016
For the past 25 years, we’ve been
arranging all sorts of events big and
small, boisterous and quiet,
brain-storming or foot-stomping. All
events have been organized recognizing
the specific requirements of our clients
and taking into account the smallest
detail. We have gained rich experience in
organizing events of all varieties and
Check out the
services we provide!
What we offer
Select from a wide range of services curated, planned & executed with perfection